Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Syawalan (Traditional culture of Kaliwungu,Kendal)


Koentjaraningrat in Javanese culture (1984: 328) explains that one of the traditions and culture of Javanese Islam is still alive is a tribute to the tombs of saints, either scholars or clerics. If the students come to the cemetery to pray for the dead in order to have his sins forgiven by Allah, then the Muslims came to the tomb as a place abangan Pepundhen. That makes the tomb as a god, which dipui-praise, given offerings, and asked for help.
One form of respect for the tomb of the righteous is Kaliwungu born in what is referred to as Syawalan. One of the religious traditions in the form of warnings death (khoul) scholars in the past, held annually on 8 Shawwal, ie, one week after the Eid al-Fitr, every year.
At first Syawalan comes from a death warning (Khoul) Kaliwungu great scholars, Kyai Ash'ari (Kyai Master) by his grave every year on 8 ziarahi Shawwal, every year. Sunan Katong day death (khoulnya) is celebrated every month of Rajab every year, usually falls in the market kliwon, Sayyid Bakhur (Bakir) bin Ahmad bin Sayyid Bakri (Died 8 April 1965) and his wife Fatimah bint Sayyid Ali Akbari (deceased) (died January 21 1989) khoulnya per month Large (feast of Sacrifice). [1] In accordance with the development of society, then the location of developing pilgrimage to the tomb of Prince Mandurorejo, and Prince Pakuwaja, Kyai Mustofa, Rukyat Kyai and Kyai Musyafa '.
Originally activities send a prayer pilgrimage at the tomb of Kyai Ash'ari was only done by the family and descendants of Kyai Ash'ari, but over time followed by the Muslim community and surrounding Kaliwungu. Finally, the activities that the massif occur each year, even a pilgrimage location object extends not only to the tomb Kyai Ash'ari or "Kyai Guru", but also to the tomb of Sunan Katong, Prince Mandurarejo, a Warlord Mataram, and Prince Pakuwaja. Later, the pilgrims also visit the tomb penetrated Kyai Mustafa, Kyai Musyafa ', and Kyai Rukyat.
Tomb Kyai Ash'ari, Tomb of Prince Mandurarejo, and Sunan Katong is located in the south village Protomulyo jabal, is the tomb of Mustafa Kyai and Kyai Musyafa 'is located in the north-western jabal. Not han opened by Regent Kendal). Then the ceremony continued walking along the clerics and the students Kaliwungu to the tomb Kyai Ash'ari. Agenda rituals at the tomb of Kyai Ash'ari are (1) opening, (2) reading a short biography Kyai Ash'ari, (3) reading Surat Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, Al-An-Nas and tahlil, and ( 4) Prayer for the spirits of ancestors, who are buried scholars pemakamman Protomulyo and Kutoharjo.2
Sites that became the center of Syawalan-also varied, ranging from the mosque of Al-Muttaqin (peningalan charismatic kiai Kaliwungu District) to Astana kuntu Layang. Astana is located in Protowetan Kaliwungu is nothing but the tomb of the elder scholars who still keturunn Kaliwungu Mataram.
All the evidence suggests the site remains the glory and fame that pioneered the propagation of Islam in Kaliwungu clerical predecessors. Just look at the Masjid Al-Muttaqin site located between the main square and market Kaliwungu. This magnificent building also implies grandeur symbols of Islam at the time of itu.Meski expansion and additions have been done here and there, the mosque's grandeur remains indelible. In Syawalan celebration that lasted for seven days, the mosque was built by Kyai teacher at the center of the crowd.
Birds Herons
Site Astana egret Layang, which is the goal netting carnival, located on the hill that runs south of the square Kaliwungu. Thus, from this cemetery can be seen views of the square and the city students Kaliwungu.Menurut grave caretaker, Astana egret Layang consists five major sections that analogy as part of the bird herons (heron) are being floated.
The first part is the chest which is the tomb complex of the cupola Sunan Katong (scholars who believed oldest in Kaliwungu) and the Regents Kendal. The second part is that the right wing is the cupola of the tomb complex Kyai Musyafak, Rukyat Kyai and Kyai Mustafa.
The next section is the left wing, which is the tomb complex Kyai Mandurorejo, Prince Puger and Kyai Ash'ari (Kyai Guru). While the tail is Pakuwojo tomb complex, as well as the head of the tomb complex of Prince Djoeminah (regent Kaliwungu ancestor) and the regents Kaliwungu.
At each date 5-9 Shawwal, cemetery complex was opened and visited by many pilgrims from different regions. "The highlight of the celebration Syawalan in Kaliwungu was on the seventh day of Shawwal. Carnival and replacement netting Kyai Master the attraction of thousands of pilgrims, "said KRAT Hamaminata Nitinagoro, relatives Kraton Surakarta wewengkon Kendal.
Cannons Mataram
Relics of propaganda and glory Kaliwungu district can also be seen from a few sites remaining. Among other things, as a symbol of supremacy Pungkuran Gate District Kaliwungu time. Gate was in front of the prayer room Pungkuran which was once the office of Regent Kaliwungu. Under the archway that reads the letters of Java installed a cannon royal heritage Mataram.3
Syawalan crowd certainly invite people to come in, and in accordance with the laws of the market where there are crowds there must also exist traders' mremo "on the show Syawalan, even visitors who come mostly not for pilgrimage Syawalan but to enjoy the crowd punctuated with various sellers and various children's games. Variety of entertainment available from the start of the game such children carousel, up to a kind of adult entertainment like Tong Satan and Stage dangdut.

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