Wednesday, March 27, 2013

The Traditional of Palang pintu

Palang pintu is a ceremonial event Betawi very entertaining. Palang pintu is an activity that aims to know each other between family and purpose arrival. Then, as a condition of receipt of the groom, must pass before the bar door guarded by a champion of the calin Betawi bride.

The event was held before the ceremony began, precisely when the new grooms entourage arrived in front of the residence of the bride. Group grooms will be intercepted by the family of the bride. The bully grooms should fight champ of the prospective bride.

The bride doorman then open a conversation with a rhyme. Furthermore, representatives of the groom's reply to rhyme. Dialogue poem was played with a very festive and inviting laughter from the audience. Fill rhymes usually answering questions about the intent and purpose of the men.

After that, a representative of the bride challenging one of the people fighting arts of the men. The procession symbolizes the efforts groom to be married to the idol's heart. Uniquely, every martial arts fights, the bride certainly was defeated by champion grooms.

In addition to martial arts fights and fight rhyme, grooms also challenged his skill to read the Quran. And after all the tests have been passed with a winning these exams, finally latch can be opened and entered by the prospective groom.

Once the ceremony is done, the wedding reception took place with festive tradition. Decorations shall Betawi the ondel-ondel and colorful decor. Music will be accompanied by the sound tanjidor and marawis (group tambourine player and use nyayian Arabic). In addition, also played xylophone kromong keroncong and Betawi.
The groom and the bride wearing oversized clothes and decorated bride. From Betawi wedding dress styles, there are two alien cultures inherent in the wedding procession. The groom influenced Arab culture. While the bride's dress influenced by Chinese tradition.


  1. Hi Anisa,
    I'm trying to collect information about Palang Pintu.
    I attended a wedding ceremony last week and saw two Muslim leaders from two districts--bridegroom's and bride's--discussing each other. One side is claiming that the new husband is good to convince the other. Is it also a variation of Palang Pintu?

  2. I'm really sorry, because I can not to answer, I do not know about the tradition, because palang pintu is tradition of western Java, while I was in Central Java. Thank you for visiting my blog :)
