Wednesday, March 27, 2013



On the territory of the Municipality of Yogyakarta, there are ceremonies called Sekaten or better known as the Night Market Celebration Sekaten since before the ceremony held Sekaten market activity during the first night of the full moon. The tradition since the time of the kingdom of Demak (16th century) is held once a year in Maulud, three months into the year of Java, with a shot in the courtyard or North Square Kraton Ngayogyakarta.
The origin of the term Sekaten developed in several versions. Some argue that the word comes from Sekaten Sekati, the names of the two devices in the form of gamelan heritage palace called Kanjeng Kyai Sekati that sounded in a series of commemorations Maulud Prophet Muhammad. But others argue that Sekaten comes from the love and ati (happy, happy) because people Maulud greet the day with gratitude and happiness in the celebration of the night market in North Square.
But others argue that the word is derived from the syahadataini Sekaten, two sentences in the Islamic Creed, the creed taukhid (Asyhadu alla ila-ha-ilallah) which means "I bear witness that there is no god but Allah" and the apostles creed (Waasyhadu anna Muhammadarrosululloh) meaning "I testify that Muhammad messenger of Allah".
Ceremony Sekaten regarded as a blend of Islamic da'wah activities and art. At the beginning of the spread of Islam in Java, one of the Wali Songo, Sunan Kalijaga ie, using musical arts (Javanese gamelan) to entice the public to come to enjoy his musical performance by using two sets of gamelan Kanjeng Kyai Sekati. In between performances, done preaching and reading verses from the Koran. For those who are determined to convert to Islam, required to utter the shahada, the statement obedient to the teachings of Islam.
Among the people of Yogyakarta and surrounding areas is commonly believed that by celebrating the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, which concerned will get a reward from the Supreme Court, and was awarded young. As a condition, they must chew betel nut in the courtyard of the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta, especially on the first day of the commencement celebration Sekaten. Therefore, during the celebrations, with many people selling betel concoction, savory rice and side-pauknya Kemandungan page, in North Square or in front of the Great Mosque of Yogyakarta. For farmers, this occasion is also asking that the upcoming crops successfully. To strengthen this determination, they bought the whip to take home.
Before the ceremony held Sekaten, held two kinds of preparations, namely physical and spiritual preparation. Physical preparation in the form of equipment and supplies Sekaten ceremony, the Gamelan Sekaten, Gendhing Sekaten, a coin, a flower Kanthil, Sekaten uniform fashion, samir for musicians, and other supplies, as well as a history text Maulud Prophet Muhammad.

Traditional musical instruments

The Angklung is a musical instrument made of two bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame. The tubes are carved to have a resonant pitch when struck and are tuned to octaves. The base of the frame is held in one hand, whilst the other hand strikes the instrument. This causes a repeating note to sound. Each of three or more performers in an angklung ensemble play just one note or more, but altogether complete melodies are produced. The Angklung is popular throughout Southeast Asia, but it originated in today's Indonesia and has been played by the Sundanese for many centuries.

7 Month Traditional

In Javanese tradition, mitoni is a series of life-cycle ritual is still practiced by most of the Java community. Mitoni word derived from the word 'am' (prefix am showing verb) + '7 '(pitu) which means an activity carried out at the count of seven. Mitoni ceremony is a custom or a ritual performed on the 7th month of pregnancy to the first of a woman in order for the embryo in the womb and the mother always containing salvation.

Ceremonies performed in pregnancy, the spray, put chicken eggs into the fabric of the mother by her husband, change clothes, put a young ivory palm, cut yarn / yarn winding / leaf, breaking crockery and scoop, drink herbal shove, and stealing endhog, essentially transitional ceremony is believed to be a means to eliminate the disaster, a kind of initiation ceremonies shows that it is the appreciation of the elements of the old belief. In addition, there is an aspect of primordial solidarity primarily traditions preserved by hereditary social group. Ignoring customs will result in censure and a bad name in the eyes of the family concerned social groups society.

Mitoni not be held at any time, usually choose a day that is considered good for the ritual mitoni. Good day for mitoni ceremony was on Tuesday (Monday afternoon to night) or Saturday (Friday afternoon to night) and held at the time of the day or evening. As for a place to hold the ceremony usually been in front of a place called the pasren, namely senthong middle. Pasren closely with the farmers as a place to worship Dewi Sri, the goddess of rice. Since most people now do not have senthong, the ceremony is usually held mitoni in the family room or living room which has wide enough to hold the ceremony.

Technically, the conduct of the ceremony was conducted by a shaman or a family member who is considered as the oldest. The presence of shaman is more ceremonial, in the sense of preparing and carrying out ceremonies pregnancy. A series of ceremonies were held ceremonies mitoni are:

1. Spray or bath is a symbol of cleansing ceremony as a sign of self-expression, both physical and mental. Symbolically cleansing aims to liberate mothers from their sins so that one day the mother bear children do not have the moral burden that the process of birth to be smooth. Ceremony performed spray in the bathroom and led by a shaman or a family member who is considered as the oldest.

2. Ceremonies include chicken egg into a cloth (gloves) the mother by her husband through the bowels of the belly, and the egg is released so broken. The ceremony was held in a spray (bathroom) as a symbol of hope for babies born with ease without the gets in the way.

3. Ceremony brojolan or put a pair of young coconut that has been painted ivory Kamajaya and Dewi Ratih or Arjuna and Sembadra into the sheath of the upper abdominal mother down. The symbolic meaning of this ceremony is that one day the baby was born easily without any difficulty.
Brojolan ceremony held in front senthong pasren by the middle or the baby's grandmother (the mother of the mother of the baby) and accepted by the grandmother besan. Both the coconut and then laid down on the bed like a lull baby.
In a symbolic image Kamajaya and Dewi Ratih or Arjuna and Sembadra symbolize when the baby is born will be handsome and have beautiful virtues as an illustrated character. Kamajaya and Dewi Ratih or Arjuna and Sembadra an ideal figure Javanese.

4. Ceremony performed by changing fashion fabric types as 7 (seven) pieces with different motifs. Motif fabric and the selected tank to be used at its best with the hope that someday the baby also has the virtues implicit in the symbol of the fabric.
Motifs are: 1. sidomukti (symbolizing happiness), 2. Sidoluhur (symbolizing glory), 3. truntum (symbolizing the virtues that have always held firm), 4. parangkusuma (symbolizing the struggle to stay alive), 5. cement rama (symbolizing that both parents love the soon to be father-mother remained selma-lamanya/tidak divorced), 6. Udan riris (symbolizing the hope that the presence of children in the community who will be born is always fun), 7. chicken scratch (symbolizing that children born later be self-sufficient life). The last fabric is the fabric of the material tercocok striated lasem patterned with motifs dringin tank. The ceremony was conducted in the middle senthong.

5. Ceremony coil cut leaf / yarn looped around the stomach expectant mothers. Janur / yarn can be substituted with palm leaves or leaf. Windings must be decided by the expectant father with the intention that the birth of baby smooth.

6. Ceremony crack pot and dipper made from coconut shell (siwur). The intention is to give sawab (prayer and praise salvation) so that later when the mother is still pregnant again, his birth also remain easy.

7. Herbal shove ceremony, symbolizing that the children were born like it would be easy driven (were pushed).

8. Endhog nyolong ceremony, symbolizing the birth of a child so quickly and smoothly run as fast as thieves take stolen. The ceremony was conducted by the prospective father to take an egg and bring it ran quickly around the village.

By implementing all of the above ceremony, the ceremony is considered complete mitoni marked with prayers led by a shaman with surround salvation. Salvation or partially offerings brought home by attending or enliven the ceremony

The Traditional of Palang pintu

Palang pintu is a ceremonial event Betawi very entertaining. Palang pintu is an activity that aims to know each other between family and purpose arrival. Then, as a condition of receipt of the groom, must pass before the bar door guarded by a champion of the calin Betawi bride.

The event was held before the ceremony began, precisely when the new grooms entourage arrived in front of the residence of the bride. Group grooms will be intercepted by the family of the bride. The bully grooms should fight champ of the prospective bride.

The bride doorman then open a conversation with a rhyme. Furthermore, representatives of the groom's reply to rhyme. Dialogue poem was played with a very festive and inviting laughter from the audience. Fill rhymes usually answering questions about the intent and purpose of the men.

After that, a representative of the bride challenging one of the people fighting arts of the men. The procession symbolizes the efforts groom to be married to the idol's heart. Uniquely, every martial arts fights, the bride certainly was defeated by champion grooms.

In addition to martial arts fights and fight rhyme, grooms also challenged his skill to read the Quran. And after all the tests have been passed with a winning these exams, finally latch can be opened and entered by the prospective groom.

Once the ceremony is done, the wedding reception took place with festive tradition. Decorations shall Betawi the ondel-ondel and colorful decor. Music will be accompanied by the sound tanjidor and marawis (group tambourine player and use nyayian Arabic). In addition, also played xylophone kromong keroncong and Betawi.
The groom and the bride wearing oversized clothes and decorated bride. From Betawi wedding dress styles, there are two alien cultures inherent in the wedding procession. The groom influenced Arab culture. While the bride's dress influenced by Chinese tradition.

Gambyong Dance

 Gambyong Dance

The combination of motion and flexibility, and provide beauty when a woman with beautiful playing dance Surakarta sultanate's ancestral culture, requires a diligence and seriousness when they move the body according to the accompaniment of the orchestra and sang songs in, dance heritage Gambyong Surakarta sultanate (solo) at least have played more than 1.5 centuries, first I saw the video on youtube at the gig in Surakarta sultanate palace so "flexible" if people say or think my Javanese dance as smooth and quiet meditation.

Philosophy introductory dance dance Gambyong
Dance accompanist Gambyong musical instrument typically uses Gong, bonang, drums kenong and kempul all dance musical accompaniment is played with a professional singer who I might call the singers, so captivated the audience as they played with full animated dance, with limbs and body movements dynamic head, and each character gracefully choreographed dancers required with happy facial expression.

Development of Dance implementation Gambyong
At first dance or dance Gambyong tayub staged at the palace in the composition surakarta Pakubowono IV and subject to change in the early 1950s at the time of the arrangement with the housekeeper bei Mintoraras koreografir not far from the grip Gambyong dance before, over time many of the dances performed at the ceremony Gambyong events such as marriage or the harvest festival is usually held at the beginning of the show as a guest reception.

Baby's Traditional

TEDAK Siten,  This is one tradition Jawa.Tedak Siten itself comes from the word meaning Tedak set foot or step, and Siten derived from the word meaning siti ground. So, Tedak Siten is down (into) the ground or mudhun weak. Details, this tradition diperuntyukkan for babies eight berusai 7 or 7 x 35 days (245 days). Number Selapan is 35 days, according to calculations based on the day Jawa market, namely POND, Legi, Pahing, Pon, and Wage. At 245 days of age, the child begins to set foot on the ground the first time, to learn to sit and learn to walk. This ritual illustrates the readiness of a child (infant) to deal with life.
Typically, this happy occasion to be held in the morning, on the front of the yard. Unless the parents and families, some parents were also present to give thanks to the children. Required sajen / victims should not be forgotten.

Tedak Siten also as a form of parental expectations for her baby so that the child later prepared and successfully live a life full of obstacles and constraints with the guidance of their parents. This ritual as well as a form of respect for siti (earth), which gives a lot things in human life.
A number of fixtures for this ritual is misbegotten (Tetel) seven colors, misbegotten is a food made of glutinous rice mixed with grated coconut with added salt to taste savory, misbegotten color 7 way it is red, white, black, yellow, blue , orange and purple. Meaning contained in this bitch is a symbol of life that will be traversed by the child, from the first time he set foot on this earth until she was an adult, while the colors are a picture of the child's life will menghapai many options and obstacles that must be gone through. misbegotten 7 colors arranged from dark to light colors, this illustrates that the problems faced by the children ranging from heavy to light, that no matter how the problem is there is definitely a bright spot there is a solution there.

Syawalan (Traditional culture of Kaliwungu,Kendal)


Koentjaraningrat in Javanese culture (1984: 328) explains that one of the traditions and culture of Javanese Islam is still alive is a tribute to the tombs of saints, either scholars or clerics. If the students come to the cemetery to pray for the dead in order to have his sins forgiven by Allah, then the Muslims came to the tomb as a place abangan Pepundhen. That makes the tomb as a god, which dipui-praise, given offerings, and asked for help.
One form of respect for the tomb of the righteous is Kaliwungu born in what is referred to as Syawalan. One of the religious traditions in the form of warnings death (khoul) scholars in the past, held annually on 8 Shawwal, ie, one week after the Eid al-Fitr, every year.
At first Syawalan comes from a death warning (Khoul) Kaliwungu great scholars, Kyai Ash'ari (Kyai Master) by his grave every year on 8 ziarahi Shawwal, every year. Sunan Katong day death (khoulnya) is celebrated every month of Rajab every year, usually falls in the market kliwon, Sayyid Bakhur (Bakir) bin Ahmad bin Sayyid Bakri (Died 8 April 1965) and his wife Fatimah bint Sayyid Ali Akbari (deceased) (died January 21 1989) khoulnya per month Large (feast of Sacrifice). [1] In accordance with the development of society, then the location of developing pilgrimage to the tomb of Prince Mandurorejo, and Prince Pakuwaja, Kyai Mustofa, Rukyat Kyai and Kyai Musyafa '.
Originally activities send a prayer pilgrimage at the tomb of Kyai Ash'ari was only done by the family and descendants of Kyai Ash'ari, but over time followed by the Muslim community and surrounding Kaliwungu. Finally, the activities that the massif occur each year, even a pilgrimage location object extends not only to the tomb Kyai Ash'ari or "Kyai Guru", but also to the tomb of Sunan Katong, Prince Mandurarejo, a Warlord Mataram, and Prince Pakuwaja. Later, the pilgrims also visit the tomb penetrated Kyai Mustafa, Kyai Musyafa ', and Kyai Rukyat.
Tomb Kyai Ash'ari, Tomb of Prince Mandurarejo, and Sunan Katong is located in the south village Protomulyo jabal, is the tomb of Mustafa Kyai and Kyai Musyafa 'is located in the north-western jabal. Not han opened by Regent Kendal). Then the ceremony continued walking along the clerics and the students Kaliwungu to the tomb Kyai Ash'ari. Agenda rituals at the tomb of Kyai Ash'ari are (1) opening, (2) reading a short biography Kyai Ash'ari, (3) reading Surat Al-Ikhlas, Al-Falaq, Al-An-Nas and tahlil, and ( 4) Prayer for the spirits of ancestors, who are buried scholars pemakamman Protomulyo and Kutoharjo.2
Sites that became the center of Syawalan-also varied, ranging from the mosque of Al-Muttaqin (peningalan charismatic kiai Kaliwungu District) to Astana kuntu Layang. Astana is located in Protowetan Kaliwungu is nothing but the tomb of the elder scholars who still keturunn Kaliwungu Mataram.
All the evidence suggests the site remains the glory and fame that pioneered the propagation of Islam in Kaliwungu clerical predecessors. Just look at the Masjid Al-Muttaqin site located between the main square and market Kaliwungu. This magnificent building also implies grandeur symbols of Islam at the time of itu.Meski expansion and additions have been done here and there, the mosque's grandeur remains indelible. In Syawalan celebration that lasted for seven days, the mosque was built by Kyai teacher at the center of the crowd.
Birds Herons
Site Astana egret Layang, which is the goal netting carnival, located on the hill that runs south of the square Kaliwungu. Thus, from this cemetery can be seen views of the square and the city students Kaliwungu.Menurut grave caretaker, Astana egret Layang consists five major sections that analogy as part of the bird herons (heron) are being floated.
The first part is the chest which is the tomb complex of the cupola Sunan Katong (scholars who believed oldest in Kaliwungu) and the Regents Kendal. The second part is that the right wing is the cupola of the tomb complex Kyai Musyafak, Rukyat Kyai and Kyai Mustafa.
The next section is the left wing, which is the tomb complex Kyai Mandurorejo, Prince Puger and Kyai Ash'ari (Kyai Guru). While the tail is Pakuwojo tomb complex, as well as the head of the tomb complex of Prince Djoeminah (regent Kaliwungu ancestor) and the regents Kaliwungu.
At each date 5-9 Shawwal, cemetery complex was opened and visited by many pilgrims from different regions. "The highlight of the celebration Syawalan in Kaliwungu was on the seventh day of Shawwal. Carnival and replacement netting Kyai Master the attraction of thousands of pilgrims, "said KRAT Hamaminata Nitinagoro, relatives Kraton Surakarta wewengkon Kendal.
Cannons Mataram
Relics of propaganda and glory Kaliwungu district can also be seen from a few sites remaining. Among other things, as a symbol of supremacy Pungkuran Gate District Kaliwungu time. Gate was in front of the prayer room Pungkuran which was once the office of Regent Kaliwungu. Under the archway that reads the letters of Java installed a cannon royal heritage Mataram.3
Syawalan crowd certainly invite people to come in, and in accordance with the laws of the market where there are crowds there must also exist traders' mremo "on the show Syawalan, even visitors who come mostly not for pilgrimage Syawalan but to enjoy the crowd punctuated with various sellers and various children's games. Variety of entertainment available from the start of the game such children carousel, up to a kind of adult entertainment like Tong Satan and Stage dangdut.